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Showing posts with label celica. Show all posts

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Edmée's Pão de Queijo

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Pāo de Queijo means Cheese Bread. It is one of my favorite Brazilian treats. Its made with tapioca flour. Completely gluten-free ! For a dairy-free version click here.

Here is my recipe :

2 tazas de queso romano rallado/2 cups of grated Romano Cheese
3 ½ tazas de harina de tapioca (yuca)/ 3 ½ cups of tapioca flour
1 cucharadita de sal/ a teaspoon of salt
2 huevos/2 eggs
1 taza de aceite de oliva / 1 cup of olive oil
1 taza de agua / 1 cup of water

  • Mezcle la harina de tapioca , el queso rallado y la sal bien. (Mix the dry ingredients well)

  • Luego amase con los huevos , el agua y el aceite de olive. (Then , kneed with the eggs , water and the oil. Make sure add ingredients gradually) Asegúrese de ir añadiendo estos últimos ingredientes gradualmente.

  • Moldeé en forma esférica y hornee por 20 minutos a 350° F. Shape them as balls. 
  • Bake for 20 minutes at 350°F. ¡Buen apetito! Enjoy !

Here is a video with a similar recipe of Pão de Queijo !