Showing posts with label postre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label postre. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tarta o Bizcocho de plátanos (Guineos) Banana Coffee Cake

 Ingredients :  

2 tazas de harina sin gluten /2 cups of Hodson Mill Multipurpose Baking Mix
½ taza de azúcar/ ½ cup of sugar 
1cucharadita de bicarbonato/1 teaspoon of Gluten-Free Baking Soda
1 cucharadita de nuez moscada/1 teaspoon of nutmeg 
½ taza de aceite vegetal /½ cup of oil
4 huevos  batidos/4 beaten eggs
½ taza de agua  /½ cup of water
6 guineos o plátanos majados /6 bananas 

  • Se mezclan todos los ingredientes en el orden supracitada. Mix and blend all ingredients in the order they appear. 
  •  Hornee por 45 minutos en bandeja previamente engrasada por 350°F.. Bake for 45 minutes in a greased pan at 350°F. 
  •  Sirva con helado o mantecado. Serve with sorbet or ice cream.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Gluten-Free Carrot Cake/ Bizcocho o Tarta de Zanahoria

In one bowl mix the dry ingredients. Mezcle en un envase todos los ingredientes secos.
 2 cups of tapioca flour/2 tazas de tapioca
1 cup of gluten-free Baking Mix/1 taza de mezcla de harina libre de gluten
(Recomiendo Arrowhead Mills Organic Gluten Free Pancake & Baking Mix)
 1 cup of sugar/1 taza de azúcar
  2 y ½  cups of minced carrots/2 ½   de zanahoria rallada

In a separate bowl mix the following ingredients :

En otro envase mezcle todos los otros ingredientes:

3 eggs /3 huevos
½ cup of wáter/ 1 taza de agua
½ cup of vegetable oil/1/2 taza de aceite vegetal
6 ounces of plane fat-free yogurt / yogurt libre de grasa(6 onzas)
½ teaspoon of nutmeg/ ½  cucharadita de nuez moscada
1 teaspoon of cinnamon/1 cucharadita de canela en polvo
1 teaspoon of gluten-free vanilla extract/1 cucharadita de vainilla sin gluten

Finally , mix all ingredients. Bake  for 30 minutes at 425 ° F. Finalmente , mezcle todos los ingredientes , vierta en una bandeja . Hornee por 30 minutos a 425 °F.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Gluten-free shortcuts or Trampitas sin gluten.

We’ve all had those days when we crave some “normal food” and we want to give up and deal with the consequences later.

Well the good thing is that there is a middle ground. We can have fast and easy-to-prepare food, while we are still being gluten-free and low fat.

Here is what I just did today . I bought a Betty Crocker Gluten-Free Cake Mix. But I changed it a bit.
Yes , you heard it right. Betty Crocker has gluten-free mixes and they sponsor the Celiac Disease Fondation ! 

The original recipe called for 1/3 cup of water, 1 stick of butter, 2 teaspoons of gluten-free vanilla and three eggs.
Instead,  I used:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 6 ounces of fat free plain yogurt
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla
  • 1 cup of white eggs (Kirkland Real Egg)

  • Since I was going to use a shared convection oven, I wrapped it tight with some foil and baked it .
  • Remember there are plenty egg-substitute options. Including vegan options. If you have problems calculating how much you need to use this sheet might be useful. 

Now , if you will please excuse me ... There is a delicious cake awaiting me :)

-Being Gluten-Free in Puerto Rico never tasted so good. 
-Vivir sin gluten en Puerto Rico nunca supo tan rico.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Jay’s Chocolate Macaroons


¼ cucharaditad de canela

1 cucharada de vainilla

½ cucharadita de levadura

½ taza de azúcar refinada

½ taza de azúcar morena

Una pizca de sal

    2 tazas de mezcla de harina sin gluten

1 huevo

1/3 de taza de mantequilla ligeramente derretida

½ taza de chocolate en polvo sin endulzar 

1/3 de taza de coco rallado dulce



Siguiendo el orden en la lista vaya añadiendo los ingredientes

 mezclándolos uno a uno.  

Moldee con la forma de su predilección.

Colóquelos separados por dos pulgadas.

Hornee por doce minutes a 350 grados Fahrenheit.    


This is a fun, simple dessert 

you and your kids will love.

Inspired in the Puerto Rican “Besitos de Coco”.